Thursday, February 28, 2008

A week away

A week from today we begin skiing.

How did this happen so quickly?

Last night our local WLUC-TV 6 did a story on our journey. You can see the broadcast piece at

Tomorrow Dr. Mike Orhanen and Georgeanne Nikula fly to Helsinki. Amy & Lyle Michaels, Jo Samuelson along with Ron and I will fly out Sunday night. Kelly Stahl and Jeff Shipkey leave on Monday, March 3. We'll all meet up Wednesday night in Kuusamo for the pre-trip meeting. That's also where we will meet the other skiers in our group.

I'm brushing up on my Finn listening to CD's of dialogue while driving. I know the most important word, "Apua." I learned that in 2003 when my daughter Eryka and I went to Finland for the Suomi Meloo kayak relay. It was written on the bottom of a kayak. It means HELP!


Miles said...

Hi Frida!

Love it - Live it!!

I'll be following you...

Diana (NP sister)

Barbie D, said...

Hi Frida,
Have fun and stay warm, I will be keeping up with your trip on your blog. Tell Georgeanne hello for me.
Barbie Dupras

Rie said...

Hey Girlfriend- and fellow adventurers-
Congrats- keep the rhythm and have a GREAT time!
Ski ya-
Lynn Walden- and Jake squawks hello